Debunking Myths about Aging

Major life changes are coin of the realm for senior citizens whose experience includes retirement from a lifelong career, loss of loved ones and the physical changes of aging. The last thing seniors need is bad information on the changes they are living through. dispels several of the most widespread and damaging myths.

Don’t let an insensitive traffic sign get you down (Sarasota FL)

MYTH: Old age means poor health and disability.
Fact: There are some diseases that are more common in older adults. However, getting old does not automatically mean poor health or that you will be confined to a walker or wheelchair. Plenty of older adults enjoy vigorous health. Preventative measures like healthy eating, exercising and managing stress can help reduce the risk of chronic disease and fall risk later in life. We have covered each of these subjects in the blog. Here are several: Exercise, Aging and the Brain. Some Super Tools for Handling Stress, Mediterranean Diet Linked to Slower Mental Decline – Tufts.

MYTH: Memory loss is an inevitable part of aging.
Fact: You may eventually notice you don’t remember experiences as easily as in the past, and memories may take longer to retrieve. However, significant memory loss is not an inevitable result of aging. Brain training and new learning can occur at any age. And there are many things you can do to keep your memory sharp. We posted Memory Loss is Not Inevitable for Seniors.

MYTH: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Fact: One of the more damaging myths of aging is that after a certain age, you just won’t be able to try anything new or contribute things anymore. Quite the contrary. Older adults are just as capable of learning new things, thriving in new environments, and sharing their wisdom and experience with many generations.  If you believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself, you are setting up a positive environment for change no matter what your age. We posted Optimizing Brain Fitness.

You can find other relevant blog items by clicking on the tags at the right such as aging, brain, stress, exercise and relaxation.

I am a senior citizen and I practice everything listed on this page. I am going kicking and screaming into old age. The biggest mistake you can make is to quit on yourself. Check out my post from my recent birthday I am 75 and Happy to be Alive.



Filed under aging, aging myths, Exercise, life challenges

3 responses to “Debunking Myths about Aging

  1. Sharon wrote on FaceBook: Tony, that sign is on the Welcome Sign to Sarasota lol


  2. Thanks, Sharon. Remind me not to visit Sarasota. I find the sign unflattering in the extreme. As a senior citizen, I am glad I don’t live there.



  3. Pingback: Can Your Genes Keep You From Losing Weight? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

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