Tag Archives: crowd funding

Cool bike helmet on Kickstarter

For those of you who don’t know, Kickstarter is one of the crowd-funding sites. If you have an idea for a product, but can not finance it through ‘normal’ channels, you post it on Kickstarter and lots of little investors, myself included, look at it and decide whether or not they want to help back it. Investments can be as little as $1.00. Usually, the developer offers one of the products to developers for a price which is below what he will charge when he markets it. I back items on Kickstarter all the time.

This item is for my bike riding readers and also anyone who has a loved one who bikes and might be interested in this cool helmet.


Here is a quote from the listing:

“CoolHead™ is a cycling helmet designed for reducing body temperature in the most important part of rider’s body- the brain. It’s unique design provides protection against penetration but it also ensures hours of reduced heat while cycling to a pleasant 15F° / 8C° below average body temperature.


“We all like cycling but some days are just too hot out there. When cycling fast, the wind is moving across your body and can usually remove some of the heat produced. However, the summer months and warm climate zones present their own challenges to riders, so how can you ensure that you don’t suffer in the heat?! CoolHead is the answer.”

For the record, I have backed this helmet. I am not as interested in the ‘cooling’ element as the design one. I ride at a speed the elevates my heart rate, but I do not ever set out to make a certain speed, or to get my body overheated. I really like how the vizor drops down. I may be able to do away with the ‘fitover’ sunglasses that I wear now.

You can go to the website here if you want to know more about it.


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Filed under cycling helmet, Kickstarter

What About Cold-Brewed Coffee?

There are a number of conversational ’third rails’ like, religion, politics, labor unions, etc., and I usually sidestep them. I wouldn’t be surprised  if coffee is another. So, let me say up front, I am not trying to change anyone’s coffee drinking habits. I just wanted to tell you about my own.

As regular readers know, I often back projects on the two crowdfunding sites, Kickstarter and Indiegogo like my Torch helmet and my HYDRA Smart Water Bottle, both for bike riding.

Now I would like to tell you about BOD’s BodyBrew a new cold brewing coffee system that I backed.

For the record, the extent of my ‘backing’ of this product was under $100 and my ‘reward’ limited to one of the coffee makers. I am not trying to sell you one and I get no royalties or further payments from BOD. That’s how crowdfunding works.



So, what is cold brewed coffee? It is coffee brewed by substituting time for heat. In other words, you pour cold water over it and come back 12-24 hours later and you have a batch of coffee liquor with which to brew coffee.

The nourishing gourmet says, “You leave coffee in water for 12 hours or more, and then you strain it. You now have a coffee concentrate that will last at least a week. What more can you ask for?

“The advantages of cold brewing coffee, as I see it, are as follows.
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Filed under coffee, cold-brewed coffee