What is the Secret of Mel Brooks’s Successful Aging

The 84-year old Mel Brooks recently appeared on an HBO Special in a conversation with talk show host Dick Cavett, sharing anecdotes about show business personalities and celebrities. The final third of the show had the two old friends taking questions from the audience.

Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner on the cover of the sequel to their successful comedy album

Brooks was asked to reveal the secret of his successful aging. The audience member remarked that Brooks appeared to be close to 80 years old.

Brooks responded that he was closer to 61 years old, but after the audience’s laughter subsided, he said that, yes, he was 84 years old.

The secret of his successful aging?

Brooks answered, “Pineapple …. That’s all I eat morning, noon and night.”

“I wake up. For breakfast I have an illegal immigrant peel a pineapple… chop it up. I eat it. At 2:30 I go to my office and open a can of pineapple … it’s already done, with rings … just the pineapple, nothing else. And, at night, I have a baked pineapple. I want something warm at night. I hate to give it away, but that’s my secret.”

Brooks is famous as a film writer, director, composer, lyricist, comedian, actor and producer. He is best known as a creator of broad film farces and comic parodies. Professionally, he has won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award.


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