Vita-Mix – Watermelon Sorbet Recipe

Reader Lea Ann Anderson Savage submitted this very tasty recipe to the blog in a comment on my Drinking a Watermelon item. If you own a Vita-Mix machine check out Lee Ann at her website. She has lots of very helpful info there.

Here is her recipe:

“Hi Tony – I’m a Vita-Mix sales demonstrator and your very inspiring post leads me to want to share my recipe for watermelon “sorbet.” I am basically a very lazy person (hence my love of the Vita-Mix machine) and although I should puree the watermelon first and pour it into ice cube trays, what I end up doing is scooping globs of watermelon and plopping them into the holes of the ice cube trays in arrangements so that none of the “globs” touch another.

“When they are frozen, I place the frozen globs in with unfrozen watermelon (in roughly a 3 cups frozen to one cup unfrozen) ratio and – voila! Awesome Watermelon Sorbet!

Also cantaloupe blended in the Vita-Mix with frozen cantaloupe “globs” can make anything from an ice cream consistency to a milk shake – depending on your ratio of frozen globs to unfrozen cantaloupe. TRULY amazing taste and texture!”

You can read How Healthy is Watermelon and Dr. Oz on Watermelon also in our blog.



Filed under lazy cook, recipes, Vita-Mix, Weight

2 responses to “Vita-Mix – Watermelon Sorbet Recipe

  1. Thanks for sharing my Recipe! I hope that your readers who have Vitamix machines might find my website helpful… it has a few more recipes and helpful information for Vitamix owners.

    Beautiful pictures by the way! Makes me want to go make some watermelon sorbet right now! Oh yeah, you can add 1/2 of a lime and some mint (as another of your readers suggested) and blend into 4 cups of liquid. Freeze 3 cups of it into ice cubes and reserve 1 cup as a liquid. That is the basic rule of thumb for Vitamix Ice Creams… 1 part non-frozen to 3 parts frozen.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: How Healthy is Watermelon? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

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