Staying on Track When It’s Tough

This post originally appeared on our blog on March 22, 2010. I’m reposting it because I continually face food temptations in my job, which is to write about food. I’m at food conferences several times a year. Not over-eating at those is a major challenge. I’m sure some of our readers face the same types of business-event challenges, so I say to you, take heart and fight off the cravings. This is one of a series of reposts Tony and I are doing to celebrate our blog’s 18-month anniversary Sept. 7.

I’ve spent all day at a conference, nursing a cold which makes me hungrier, and trying not to eat the fattening things that were there – giant bagels with tubs of cream cheese and overstuffed sandwiches with processed meats. I ended up with a half turkey sandwich, half a ham sandwich of which I left most of the bread, and half a cupcake, not the best for lunch but still restrained compared to my old ways.

I did better at breakfast, eating fruit instead of the bagel.

And instead of going to the big conference dinner I came home (this conference was here in Chicago, on the road it’s tougher to duck out of the night-time feasts), but then I ate a big chicken dinner here, feeling I needed to quench my hunger from the day. I took the skin off the chicken, a big calorie saver, so again I did something to make it a little better.

As Tony has mentioned, it’s never easy when you’re at an event to keep calories under control. But instead of beating yourself up over it, do the best you can while you’re there, and then get back on track once the conference is over.

I have another half-day at the meeting Friday; wish me luck at ignoring the bagels, butter and cream cheese again.

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Filed under life challenges, men and healthy eating, portion size

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