Update on my surgery and biking …

I am now past one week since my oral surgery and feel like I am recovering nicely, thank you. You can read details of the operation here. One of the most difficult aspects of being 79 is that I don’t have a lot of people that I can share experiences with to give me a perspective on my situation. In the past few days I have managed three bike rides. It took more than four days to feel that I had enough energy to ride at all. I had to wonder is that normal (for someone 79)? None of my bike riding friends is within decades of my age. I can only go by how my own body feels.

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Gabi and me a couple of years ago.

In the past month I have come across a super resource for general information on aging the book Successful Aging, by John W. Rowe, M.D. and Robert L. Kahn, Ph.D. It is from the MacArthur Foundation Study in the ’90’s. Regular readers who know me might be asking why I did not know about the book as I was working for The Foundation from 1990 till 2000. Good question. I think it came out back 20 years ago when I was in my ’50’s and didn’t have much interest in the subject. Duh. Old too soon; smart too late.

One of the ways I know I have been still recuperating is my sleeping. Usually I am up around 4:00 – 4:30 AM and on the web for an hour or so. Then, I get into my cycling outfit and head for the pavement. However, since the surgery, instead of dressing, I have climbed back into bed and crashed for another hour or so. Not at all typical. Then, I rose around 7:30 and started the day. By that time, normally, I am just coming back from my first ride.

I did find some interesting info on aging and fighting illness in the MacArthur book. they compare a 30-year-old with his 80-year-old grandfather afflicted with pneumonia. Here is the part that interested me most, the course of the senior’s illness “might be very grave indeed. This is because the average 80-year-old non-smoker has only about two-thirds the lung function of his 30-year-old counterpart. And, his immune system is impaired as well. ”  So, what I drew from this is that my recovery from the surgery will be slow, but is probably on track. (I am writing this Easter Sunday and I rode 15 miles today, the last five with the dog in her basket. So, I am clearly getting some energy back)

I limited myself to 15 miles today although my energy seemed fine because my girlfriend and I went out for Easter dinner that afternoon and I didn’t want to fall asleep in my dessert.

Update: Friday 26 April, some 15 days since the surgery. Yesterday I rode 25 miles on the bike for the first time in my recovery. Felt great, could have gone farther, but thought better of it. Slept about an hour longer last night and didn’t get out on the bike till after breakfast. Still recovering.




Filed under aging, biking, Exercise, oral surgery, recovery rate, successful aging

12 responses to “Update on my surgery and biking …

  1. Take it easy! The recovery maybe will be a little bit slower but definitely you’re on track 😊 Have a great day! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your good wishes. Actually, I really don’t have a lot of choice. I find myself napping and also sleeping longer these days. So, I feel like I am still recovering.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Rest days are key, your body has to prioritize healing vs. exercise after any type of surgery. Kinda like my 72 yr old golf buddy who now schedules an off day between rounds.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. That’s great news, Tony! Keep it going!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Continuing my comment from the other blog… I do what I can which lately is not what it used to be or what I’d like. Hopefully these injuries resolve but I may need better health care and to take alot of time off, which I’m very resistant to do. Hopefully not surgery, that just doesn’t not compute. How do you do it? That’s great you keep at it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Dude. Thanks for stopping by. I didn’t catch your age. I am an old retired guy, turned 79 in January. I bike every day that I can which amounts to around 100 miles a week year ’round. Try to keep moving. I have come to the conclusion that a sedentary lifestyle is as bad a killer as smoking.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So inspiring, Tony! So glad I found ur site, and have pinned to Pinterest 😊 I’ll be 69 next mth & can totally relate to what ur saying; really appreciate the link to the Successful Aging bk too. I had emergency gallbladder surgery the very end of June while waiting to have hiatal hernia surgery repair. I was mad ‘cause they didn’t do both the same time. Now that we did the hiatal surgery (this past Friday) I realize I would’ve had a terribly difficult time w/recovery. Though I love biking, I’ve mostly been walking this year, building up from (seriously) 500 or more steps a day to a range of 8-12,000 a day. I was literally just reaching the magic 7500+ mark again when it was time for the second surgery, but I am trying to stay above 4000+ each day if possible for now. Re the lung capacity (interesting info u gave) l was give one of those plastic breath pumps I’d always chunked or donated to Goodwill, but I’m using it @ day now. I exhale, then inhale with the pump & it measures how well my oxygen intake is. The pump’s all manual, no motor, lol! Anyway, all the best! I too am resisting resting, but this morning I think my body’s saying, “Okay. You won’t rest voluntarily, so take this!” and I feel like I’ve been run over by a huge soft plastic child’s train toy 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI, Felipe! Thanks very much for your kind words and also for sharing your experience. I don’t need to tell you that it is a one day at a time deal. Sounds like you are listening to your body. Just don’t feel you have to (or CAN) force anything. Best of luck!

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