Why You Should Walk More

Walking is the ugly stepchild of the exercise world. Like Cinderella it is far more beautiful than her more ostentatious stepsisters.

J.J. Watt, defensive star of the Houston Texans said in an interview on his injury and subsequent surgery that he was not allowed to work out in his early rehab so all he could do was walk. As a result, he found himself walking around 12 miles a day. He said he loved  what it did for him mentally as well as physically. His only complaint was that he was wearing out his shoes.


Here are no less than ten reasons you should walk more:

Physical activity guidelines and the benefits of walking

Is Walking as effective as running?

The connection between walking and blood pressure.

What about walking poles?

Walking gives relief to Glaucoma sufferers

Can walking cut chocolate cravings?

The benefits of walking and bicycle riding

Walking not sudoku for seniors

National Start Walking Day – American Heart Association

Mall Walking

Every Body Walk!

How good is walking for you – Infographic

Walking an hour a day best for longevity – Study

The benefits of walking … backwards 

Walking – Key to staying active and independent.



12 responses to “Why You Should Walk More

  1. Just discovered your blog and I am impressed – I
    enjoy your easy to read and relevant info and shared it will my friends on Facebook – thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  2. umar

    very very very good good good EXERCISE.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My mother and I used to walk, but she quit, I have MS so allergic to heat. I ordered a cooling vest and now cannot get her to walk because her knees hurts. (stubborn 78, sigh) I am going to send this blog to her. Thank you for the info

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sure, if you have nothing wrong with your foot or ankle like I have.


  5. I loved this. I’m a walker and the info inspired me to get out the door!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The best way to keep fit and fine. 😊👌👍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Neha

    Can brisk walk or fast walking reduce belly fat ???

    Liked by 1 person

    • Burning more calories than you consume will do that. Brisk walking burns more calories. The important thing is doing it regularly. Also, pay attention to the amount of calories you are consuming.


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