Performance enhancing substances linked to eating disorder symptoms

With increasing value and emphasis being placed on muscularity and leanness as today’s body ideal, the use of appearance- and performance- enhancing drugs and substances (APEDS), such as whey protein and steroids, has become increasingly prevalent among college-age men and women. Few studies have been completed to explore associations between certain APEDS use and eating disorder symptoms, however a new study published in the Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity journal aimed to fill this research gap by exploring this relationship.

Photo by Cesar Galeu00e3o on

Analyzing over 7,000 U.S. college and university students from the 2020-2021 Healthy Minds Study, researchers found that a lifetime history of APEDS use is associated with eating disorder symptoms, specifically when using protein supplements, creatine supplements, and diuretics or water pills. 


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2 responses to “Performance enhancing substances linked to eating disorder symptoms


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