How Emu Oil and Coconut Oil Healed a Facial Scar

In August 2012 I was diagnosed with skin cancer. Briefly, I went in to have a lump removed from my cheek and it turned out to be a basal cell carcinoma. I went back in for Moh’s Surgery and had it removed. If interested you can read about it in detail on my Page Skin Cancer Facts in General and My Three Skin Cancer Surgeries in Particular.

My scar two weeks after the operation.

My scar two weeks after the operation.

My surgery left me with a scar just over an inch long with 15 stitches in it on my left cheek. You can see the first photo of it from two weeks after the surgery.

My scar today just short of 12 months after the operation

My scar today just short of 12 months after the operation.

Full disclosure time. I am a senior citizen over 70 years old. Getting a scar like that on my face at a time when my body is no longer generating new cells as it did when I was young left me with expectations of a bit of a facial disfigurement in my future.

What to do about it? Plastic surgery is out of the question for me for financial and other reasons.

Last July, just a month before my surgery I wrote What about emu oil?

Among a myriad of uses, emu oil is used to ‘heal surgical wounds….‘ So, I started rubbing it on my scar. I did that daily until the last few months when I began using coconut oil instead. I wrote about coconut oil just a few months ago. You can find a link at the top of this page about it. So, for the best part of a year, my scar was rubbed daily with either emu oil or coconut oil.

Take a look at the second picture to see the result of these ministrations. Remember, what you are looking at is the remains of a scar longer than an inch which had 15 stitches.

I don’t know about you, but I am very positively impressed with the results.



Filed under aging, biking, cancer, coconut oil, Mohs surgery, skin cancer

6 responses to “How Emu Oil and Coconut Oil Healed a Facial Scar

  1. I didn’t know you had to deal with skin cancer last year, Tony. I missed reading all those posts. But I’m glad to hear your good news that all is well now. Congrats! I too used emu oil on my scar from shoulder surgery to repair my broken arm. And I was just noticing today that it is nearly invisible, now. I also wanted to say that I like the new photo. Not sure when that went up either :). I assume you are still biking, with lots of sunblock!


    • HI, Vinny –

      Isn’t it amazing what these natural oils can do?

      Glad you like the new photo. A girlfriend shot that of me by Lake Michigan back in the 1970s when I still had a full head of hair.

      And, yes, I am using sunblock regularly now.


  2. Suzette Shepherd

    Thank you I will try It

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Heather D.

    Amazing results! Must give emu oil a try once my stitches are removed. Coconut oil sounds good, too. Glad you’re wearing your sunscreen regularly. Thanks for the tips.

    Liked by 1 person

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