How Does Obesity Affect You?

Before people knew better, the excessive accumulation of body fat, now commonly known as obesity, was considered in many societies to be a sign of wealth and prosperity. However, today obesity is an increasing trend considered by health professionals to be a curse, robbing individuals of their health, well-being and longevity, according to author Phyllis Logie on Wikinut.

Faststats says 34% of adults over 20 years of age are obese and 34% of adults over 20 years of age are overweight and not obese.

Obesity is the doorway to hell.

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

Health officials consider obesity a curse that robs millions of their health and is on course to increase 50% worldwide in the next 10 years. Dr. Mercola says, “A new report reveals staggering statistics about the extent to which the obesity epidemic is robbing Americans of their health and longevity. Columbia University and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examined the real impact of obesity on death rates.”

The study found that nearly one in five US deaths is associated with obesity, which is more than three times higher than previous estimates.

A study published in 2013 by the National Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reported that the total number of knee replacement more than tripled between 1993 and 2009 more than tripled. They said the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the U.S. accounted for 95 percent of the higher demand for knee replacements, with younger patients affected to a greater degree. 


Following is a list of the diseases likely to result from obesity as reported in Wikipedia:

1 Cardiology
1.1 Ischemic heart disease
1.2 Congestive heart failure
1.3 High blood pressure
1.4 Abnormal cholesterol levels
1.5 Deep vein thrombosis and Pulmonary embolism
2 Dermatology
3 Endocrinology and reproductive medicine
3.1 Diabetes mellitus
3.2 Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
3.3 Menstrual disorders
3.4 Infertility
3.5 Complications of pregnancy
3.6 Birth defects
3.7 Intrauterine fetal death
4 Gastrointestinal
4.1 Gastroesophageal reflux disease
4.2 Fatty liver disease
4.3 Cholelithiasis (gallstones)
5 Neurology
5.1 Stroke
5.2 Meralgia paresthetica
5.3 Migraines
5.4 Carpal tunnel syndrome
5.5 Dementia
5.6 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
5.7 Multiple sclerosis
6 Oncology
7 Psychiatry
7.1 Depression
7.2 Social stigmatization
8 Respirology
8.1 Obstructive sleep apnea
8.2 Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
8.3 Chronic lung disease
8.4 Complications during general anaesthesia
9 Rheumatology and Orthopedics
9.1 Gout
9.2 Poor mobility
9.3 Osteoarthritis
9.4 Low back pain
10 Urology and Nephrology
10.1 Erectile dysfunction
10.2 Urinary incontinence
10.3 Chronic renal failure

If you are just overweight and not obese yet, you might consider doing something about your weight problem now.



Filed under body fat, brain, calories, cholesterol, Exercise, fat, healthy eating, life challenges, Weight

12 responses to “How Does Obesity Affect You?

  1. Pingback: Wired Magazine on Obesity | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  2. Pingback: What States Have the Most Obesity? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  3. Pingback: F as in Fat 2011 Report: U.S. Obesity Rates above 20 Percent in 49 States

  4. Very useful information buddy.


  5. Pingback: Why is Obesity in Children Increasing? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  6. Pingback: Chris Christie talks to Oprah About His Weight | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  7. Pingback: What Are My Chances of Getting Diabetes? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  8. Pingback: What are Some Obesity Statistics? | Two Regular Guys Talking about Food, Exercise and Men's Health

  9. Good evening! My name is Katie Johnson and I’m the Wellness Director for Rochester Medical Weight Loss in Rochester, New York. We are the first weight loss clinic on Rochester, New that has a licensed and board certified bariatrician on-site. We are looking for some images to use in our advertising, and really like the picture of the effects of obesity. May we use that picture in our advertising? Please let me know if there is anything that may be required, or if this can even be done!

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

    –Katie Johnson


    • Thanks very much for your kind words. As far as the illustration for the post is concerned, I simply borrowed it from the web. I am afraid that I don’t know who owns it. Maybe if you can find it elsewhere on the web, you can ascertain the owner.


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