30 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Fast

CoconutFoods are a wonderful place to start when you are looking to reduce inflammation in your body. What you eat on a daily basis will have a profound effect on your body’s ability to fight inflammation and prevent inflammation from happening. Through eating you literally change the chemistry of your body.


Our Better Health

by Ali Washington – Jan 30, 2014

Inflammation can be caused many different factors. Scientifically speaking inflammation is a cascade of chemical reactions that happen within the body when there is damage done to cells, when there is an irritant present or when the body senses a foreign invader.

What Are The Symptoms Of Acute Inflammation?

The inflammation reaction is necessary and protective for the body in the short-term. Acute inflammation can leave you with the following cluster of symptoms: pain, redness, immobility, swelling and heat. This is due to the fact that large amounts of both red and white blood cells, lipoproteins, fluid and other body tissues are rushing to the site of injury in an attempt to repair damage and clear away foreign particles.

So What Is The Problem With Inflammation?

The problem with inflammation comes when it is prolonged or becomes chronic. It is meant to be a “first…

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